Thursday, November 19, 2009

Proposition 13 Two-Thirds Vote Requirement Protects Taxpayers

by Henrietta “Etta” Waterfield, former Santa Maria Planning Commissioner, Candidate for the 33rd Assembly District seat

Do you know what Sacramento is trying to tax? Vehicle registration tax, sales and use tax, services tax, property insurance tax, tobacco tax, alcohol tax, ammunition tax, oil severance tax—even SUV mileage tax—are a few taxes recently proposed in Sacramento. That’s because years of over-spending have put California in a deep budget hole and, rather than cut spending, the Sacramento liberals would rather raise taxes on hard working Californians to pay for it all.

Thanks to the landmark Proposition 13 taxpayer protection initiative of 1978, it takes a 2/3 vote in the legislature to raise taxes or pass a budget. That 2/3 vote protected California taxpayers this year when Assembly and Senate Republicans held firm and demanded no new taxes in the budget.

Californians are already overtaxed, and taxpayers have made it clear that they will not accept more taxes—as the rejection of Props 1A-F and the ongoing Tea Parties prove. The 2/3 majority requirement ensures that Sacramento legislators will not take the easy way out by trying to tax their way into a “balanced” budget. The requirement ensures that all Californians benefit from the decisions made in Sacramento—not special interests and not the majority party.

That would explain why most Democrats in the Assembly want to end the 2/3 vote requirement for taxes and budget. But what doesn’t make sense is the small handful of Republicans who have also pushed to replace the 2/3 vote requirement with a 55% majority. This move would effectively hand Democrats complete control over the state budget and allow them to raise taxes without any opposition from Republicans.

California’s fiscal problems are not caused by the 2/3 vote requirement. Rather, our state suffers because Sacramento overspends year after year and then raises taxes and fees to make up the difference until businesses shut their doors or move away.

The 2/3 vote requirement and the responsible legislators that protect it are the only things keeping this state from being taxed into oblivion.

I strongly support Proposition 13’s taxpayer protections, and I have pledged to defend the 2/3 vote requirement for new taxes. That’s why I have been endorsed the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (namesake of Prop 13 author) and the National Tax Limitation Committee.

Representatives in Sacramento must protect taxpayers with the 2/3 vote requirement—and taxpayers must protect themselves by electing responsible representatives.

Republican economic growth expert Etta Waterfield has spent the past decade improving the Central Coast’s economy and business climate. As the Economic Developer for the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce, Etta has worked to attract new businesses and foster favorable economic conditions in the area. She also served for the past six years on the Santa Maria Planning Commission.

Her service led Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee to name Etta Waterfield the 2009 “Woman of the Year” for the 33rd Assembly District. Blakeslee praised her stating that she possesses an “energy and a grace that inspire people to work with her.”

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